Literaturhaus Darmstadt

64293 Darmstadt, Kasinostr.3

The central role in this house plays the literature - more than eight literteral institution are based in this building. But also clubs, which deal with photography, fine arts, philosophy and other exciting topics have their place here. The topics are as diverse as the institutions. The detailed programme can be viewed at to renovation work, the Literaturhaus is closed until the end of 2023. However, events will continue to take place; information on the respective venues can be found on the website of the DARMSTADT CARD:reduced admission for events in the main program in the lecture hall / literature house




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Essen in der Nähe

The Enchilada is a large cocktail bar in the city centre with Texan/Mexican cuisine.

ca. 0,0 km entfernt



64283 Darmstadt, Kasinostr.5

The Enchilada is a large cocktail bar in the city centre with Texan/Mexican cuisine.

Bar or Pub Food Establishment Restaurant

The Poseidon is a Greek restaurant in the city centre and offers Greek and German dishes in the cozy, more than 600-year-old vault.

ca. 0,1 km entfernt



64283 Darmstadt, Rheinstr.41

The Poseidon is a Greek restaurant in the city centre and offers Greek and German dishes in the cozy, more than 600-year-old vault.

Food Establishment Restaurant

Bernds wine shop offers the right wine for every taste and occasion. If you order 6 bottles or more, the wine will be delivered free of charge and even brought to the cellar.

ca. 0,2 km entfernt

Bernds wine shop


64283 Darmstadt, Bleichstr.12a

Bernds wine shop offers the right wine for every taste and occasion. If you order 6 bottles or more, the wine will be delivered free of charge and even brought to the cellar.

Food Establishment Store

Die Theke is a rustic dining bar in the city centre. In addition to a variety of drinks, the pub also offers a small selection of home-style food.

ca. 0,2 km entfernt

Die Theke


64283 Darmstadt, Rheinstr.26

Die Theke is a rustic dining bar in the city centre. In addition to a variety of drinks, the pub also offers a small selection of home-style food.

Bar or Pub Food Establishment Restaurant

MANNI & PEET is a restaurant and bar with modern furnishings and a cozy atmosphere in Darmstadt‘ city centre. There are burgers, steaks and much more.

ca. 0,4 km entfernt



64283 Darmstadt, Rheinstr.12b

MANNI & PEET is a restaurant and bar with modern furnishings and a cozy atmosphere in Darmstadt‘ city centre. There are burgers, steaks and much more.

Bar or Pub Food Establishment Restaurant

Netto Marken Discount is a grocery store that offers a diverse range of products at reasonable prices.

ca. 0,4 km entfernt

Netto - in der Grafenstraße


64283 Darmstadt, Grafenstr.25

Netto Marken Discount is a grocery store that offers a diverse range of products at reasonable prices.

Food Establishment Store

mondo Daily serves specialties of the Lebanon, India, Asia, Africa, Italy but also from Germany. The restaurant‘s focus is on vegan and vegetarian dishes.

ca. 0,4 km entfernt

mondo Daily


64283 Darmstadt, Grafenstr.31

mondo Daily serves specialties of the Lebanon, India, Asia, Africa, Italy but also from Germany. The restaurant‘s focus is on vegan and vegetarian dishes.

Food Establishment Restaurant

Shifa offers delicious pizza and kebab as well as many other delicacies.

ca. 0,4 km entfernt

Shifa Döner & Pizza


64283 Darmstadt, Grafenstr.20

Shifa offers delicious pizza and kebab as well as many other delicacies.

Food Establishment

The bakery Bormuth offers daily fresh rolls, delicious bread varieties and a large selection of snacks and sweet specialties.

ca. 0,4 km entfernt

Bormuth - on Grafenstrasse


64283 Darmstadt, Grafenstr.37

The bakery Bormuth offers daily fresh rolls, delicious bread varieties and a large selection of snacks and sweet specialties.

bakery Cafe Or Coffee Shop Food Establishment

Tajine Marrakech is a Moroccan restaurant that offers authentic Moroccan cuisine.

ca. 0,4 km entfernt

Tajine Marrakech


64283 Darmstadt, Grafenstr.37

Tajine Marrakech is a Moroccan restaurant that offers authentic Moroccan cuisine.

Food Establishment Restaurant

Hasso´m is a classic Turkish restaurant with a wide range of food and drink.

ca. 0,4 km entfernt



64283 Darmstadt, Adelungenstr.10

Hasso´m is a classic Turkish restaurant with a wide range of food and drink.

Food Establishment Restaurant

Deniz Döner is a classic kebab snackbar with numerous Turkish dishes.

ca. 0,5 km entfernt

Deniz Döner


64283 Darmstadt, Adelungstr.3

Deniz Döner is a classic kebab snackbar with numerous Turkish dishes.

Food Establishment

Unterkünfte in der Nähe

Weitere Tipps in der Nähe

KHAN MOBILE is an Internet café in the Adelungstraße.

ca. 0,3 km entfernt

KHAN MOBILE - Internet Café


64283 Darmstadt, Adelungstr.2

KHAN MOBILE is an Internet café in the Adelungstraße.

Electronics store Store

The customer center of the Commerzbank Darmstadt offers a wide range of advice and services.

ca. 0,3 km entfernt



64283 Darmstadt, Rheinstr.14

The customer center of the Commerzbank Darmstadt offers a wide range of advice and services.

BankOrCreditUnion Store

OCHS Hairdressers is a hair salon that offers hair and hairdressing services in a friendly atmosphere.

ca. 0,3 km entfernt

OCHS Friseure


64283 Darmstadt, Grafenstr.31

OCHS Hairdressers is a hair salon that offers hair and hairdressing services in a friendly atmosphere.

HairSalon Nail salon Store

The specialist for hi-fi, TV and video in Darmstadt for over 40 years.

ca. 0,4 km entfernt

Hi-fi store


64283 Darmstadt, Grafenstr.29

The specialist for hi-fi, TV and video in Darmstadt for over 40 years.

Electronics store Store

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MUSEUM Jagdschloss Kranichstein


64289 Darmstadt, Kranichsteiner Str.261

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bioversum Jagdschloss Kranichstein


64289 Darmstadt, Kranichsteiner Str.253

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ArtGallery Museum

The Messel Pit fossil deposit has been Germany‘s first UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1995. It provides a unique insight into the early evolution of mammals and documents the history of the earth‘s development 48 million years ago, when explosive changes characterised the animal and plant world following the extinction of the dinosaurs.

Messel Pit World Heritage Site


64409 Messel, Roßdörfer Str.108

The Messel Pit fossil deposit has been Germany‘s first UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1995. It provides a unique insight into the early evolution of mammals and documents the history of the earth‘s development 48 million years ago, when explosive changes characterised the animal and plant world following the extinction of the dinosaurs.

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Die obere Hälfte des Hochzeitsturms ist über Dächer und Baumwipfel vor einem blauen Himmel mit großen weißen Wolken sichtbar. Die Spitze des Turms hat die Form von fünf Fingern einer ausgestreckten Hand.

Wedding Tower


64287 Darmstadt, Olbrichweg 13

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The Bessunger Bezirksbad is a well-kept and cozy indoor swimming pool in the district of Bessungen, close to the Orangery garden in Darmstadt.Open during the autumn/winter season.Partner of the DARMSTADT CARD:reduced admission

Bezirksbad Bessungen


64285 Darmstadt, Ludwigshöhstr.1

The Bessunger Bezirksbad is a well-kept and cozy indoor swimming pool in the district of Bessungen, close to the Orangery garden in Darmstadt.Open during the autumn/winter season.Partner of the DARMSTADT CARD:reduced admission
