Ihre Suche ergab 11 Treffer

The Arheilger Mühlchen in Darmstads northern district Arheilgen is idyllically located in the middle of the green corridor of the stream Ruthsenbach and away from traffic. The natural bathing lake has been used as a public swimming pool since 1924 and is an oasis for families with children as wel...

Arheilger Mühlchen


64291 Darmstadt, Brücherweg 1

The Arheilger Mühlchen in Darmstads northern district Arheilgen is idyllically located in the middle of the green corridor of the stream Ruthsenbach and away from traffic. The natural bathing lake has been used as a public swimming pool since 1924 and is an oasis for families with children as wel...


The Bessunger Bezirksbad is a well-kept and cozy indoor swimming pool in the district of Bessungen, close to the Orangery garden in Darmstadt.Open during the autumn/winter season.Partner of the DARMSTADT CARD:reduced admission

Bezirksbad Bessungen


64285 Darmstadt, Ludwigshöhstr.1

The Bessunger Bezirksbad is a well-kept and cozy indoor swimming pool in the district of Bessungen, close to the Orangery garden in Darmstadt.Open during the autumn/winter season.Partner of the DARMSTADT CARD:reduced admission


The DSW-Freibad is located directly next to the Nordbad and is surrounded by a generous outdoor area. Its ten 50-meter tracks in the modern stainless steel basin and the water kept at constant  26 degrees makes it particularly interesting for athletic swimmers.It is a popular training place for D...



64289 Darmstadt, Alsfelder Str.33

The DSW-Freibad is located directly next to the Nordbad and is surrounded by a generous outdoor area. Its ten 50-meter tracks in the modern stainless steel basin and the water kept at constant 26 degrees makes it particularly interesting for athletic swimmers.It is a popular training place for D...


Renovation of Mühltalbad: Mühltalbad will remain closed for renovation work in the 2024 summer season.The Mühltalbad is located in Eberstadt, the southern part of Darmstadt, at the foot of Odenwald and Bergstraße with a wonderful view of the hill Frankenstein.The bath was opened in July 1959 and ...

Eberstädter Mühltalbad


64297 Darmstadt, Mühltalstr.72-80

Renovation of Mühltalbad: Mühltalbad will remain closed for renovation work in the 2024 summer season.The Mühltalbad is located in Eberstadt, the southern part of Darmstadt, at the foot of Odenwald and Bergstraße with a wonderful view of the hill Frankenstein.The bath was opened in July 1959 and ...


The popular bathing lake is located in the center of the town and nevertheless forms an island of peace and seclusion. The

Großer Woog - natural outdoor pool


64287 Darmstadt, Landgraf-Georg-Str.121

The popular bathing lake is located in the center of the town and nevertheless forms an island of peace and seclusion. The "Großer Woog" is not only a place of rest and bathing pleasure. The nature paradise is also a meeting place for many waterfowl, such as Stockenten, Gießhühner and Great Bl...

Civic Structure Park PublicSwimmingPool

The bathing lake known as the

Bathing lake "prince of Hesse"

64287 Darmstadt, Dieburger Straße 259

The bathing lake known as the "pit" is not a natural body of water– lignite was mined here between 1908 and 1921. After the plant had to close in 1924, the pit filled with water, was used as a reservoir for it, and always (illegally) also as a bathing place. Since 1974, the banks have been fla...

Park PublicSwimmingPool

The university stadium was one of the first university competition sites in Germany. It was established in 1928 and could be used by the population from the very beginning. With a renovation by the Technical Universaty in 2009 and 2010 the swimming pool now visually resembles the original stat...


geschlossen (öffnet 12:00 Uhr)

64287 Darmstadt, Lichtwiesenweg 5

The university stadium was one of the first university competition sites in Germany. It was established in 1928 and could be used by the population from the very beginning. With a renovation by the Technical Universaty in 2009 and 2010 the swimming pool now visually resembles the original stat...


Blick von der Galerie auf das Schwimmbecken, links und rechts auf der Galerie sind die historischen Umkleidekabinen in roter Farbe zu sehen, das Becken leuchtet blau, die Säulen um das Becken sind mit dunkelblauen glänzenden Kacheln gefliest.

Art Nouveau Bath

jetzt geöffnet (bis 22:00 Uhr)

64287 Darmstadt, Mercksplatz 1

Built as the "Darmstädter Stadtbad" between 1907-1909 in the Art Nouveau era, the baths offered separate swimming halls for women and men as well as baths and showers for those sections of the population who did not have a bathroom.

Landmark Or Historical Building PublicSwimmingPool Thermal bath

The 50 by 21 meter competition pool, the 25 by 16.75 meter multi-purpose pool with an integrated three-meter diving tower and an aquacross course, the exercise pool with dimensions of 12.5 by 8 meters, the teaching pool with an area of 20 by 12 meters and the small children‘s paddling area allow ...


jetzt geöffnet (bis 21:00 Uhr)

64285 Darmstadt, Ludwigshöhstr.1

The 50 by 21 meter competition pool, the 25 by 16.75 meter multi-purpose pool with an integrated three-meter diving tower and an aquacross course, the exercise pool with dimensions of 12.5 by 8 meters, the teaching pool with an area of 20 by 12 meters and the small children‘s paddling area allow ...


Woog - Badestelle Familienbad


64287 Darmstadt


Woog - Badestelle Insel


64287 Darmstadt
