Archive of the Technical University Darmstadt

64389 Darmstadt, Karolinenplatz 3

The university archive is the public archive of the TU Darmstadt. According to the legislation of the state of Hessen, it has the task of taking over the archive material from the university, of preserving it and making it available for viewing and further use. The archive is open by appointment.


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Essen in der Nähe

Upstairs of the restaaurant calla, there is the winbar “Q.b.A. – Die Weinbar”, where you can meet for a good glass of wine.

ca. 0,2 km entfernt

Calla wine bar


64283 Darmstadt, Schloßgraben 1

Upstairs of the restaaurant calla, there is the winbar “Q.b.A. – Die Weinbar”, where you can meet for a good glass of wine.

Bar or Pub Food Establishment

The culinary concept is all about fresh dishes out of the area, classics and international dishes for our congress guests. Everything is prepared fresh and with a lot of love for details. At the live cooking station you can talk to the cook, while he is preparing the food. Upstairs of the call...

ca. 0,2 km entfernt

Calla - the restaurant in darmstadtium


64283 Darmstadt, Schloßgraben 1

The culinary concept is all about fresh dishes out of the area, classics and international dishes for our congress guests. Everything is prepared fresh and with a lot of love for details. At the live cooking station you can talk to the cook, while he is preparing the food. Upstairs of the call...

Food Establishment Restaurant

Haroun‘s is an Arabic-Turkish restaurant in the heart of Darmstadt.

ca. 0,2 km entfernt


geschlossen (öffnet 11:00 Uhr)

64283 Darmstadt, Friedensplatz 6

Haroun‘s is an Arabic-Turkish restaurant in the heart of Darmstadt.

Food Establishment Restaurant

The LaLucha is the sandwich bar in Darmstadt, which stands for fresh, homemade and regional products. In the evening the LaLucha turns into a lounge where you can enjoy fine long drinks and cocktails.

ca. 0,3 km entfernt


geschlossen (öffnet 11:00 Uhr)

64283 Darmstadt, Schleiermacherstr.10-12

The LaLucha is the sandwich bar in Darmstadt, which stands for fresh, homemade and regional products. In the evening the LaLucha turns into a lounge where you can enjoy fine long drinks and cocktails.

Bar or Pub Food Establishment Restaurant

The Mollo Caffè offers everything for espresso and coffee lovers.

ca. 0,3 km entfernt

Mollo Caffè

geschlossen (öffnet 14:00 Uhr)

64283 Darmstadt, Rheinstr.1

The Mollo Caffè offers everything for espresso and coffee lovers.

Cafe Or Coffee Shop Food Establishment Store

Django‘s is located right at the market square with a lovley view of the Residential Palace.

ca. 0,3 km entfernt

Django‘s - Restaurant & Bar

geschlossen (öffnet 11:00 Uhr)

64238 Darmstadt, Marktplatz 14

Django‘s is located right at the market square with a lovley view of the Residential Palace.

Bar or Pub Food Establishment Restaurant

ca. 0,3 km entfernt

Best Worscht in Town

geschlossen (öffnet 11:30 Uhr)

64283 Darmstadt, Obere Rheinstr.4

"Best Wortscht in Town" is the small sausage snack for those who like it a bit spicy. All currywurst variations can be individually combined with a degree of spiciness and taste.

Food Establishment

MoschMosch is a Japanese noodle bar in the style of a Japanese inn. Weekly special dishes supplement the fixed menu.

ca. 0,3 km entfernt



64283 Darmstadt, Marktplatz 13

MoschMosch is a Japanese noodle bar in the style of a Japanese inn. Weekly special dishes supplement the fixed menu.



The Wellnitz is a stylish urban eatery with a terrace that offers breakfast, cakes and a wide range of drinks.

ca. 0,3 km entfernt



64289 Darmstadt, Lauteschlägerstr.4

The Wellnitz is a stylish urban eatery with a terrace that offers breakfast, cakes and a wide range of drinks.

Bar or Pub Cafe Or Coffee Shop Food Establishment

Ertan‘s Gemüse Kebap is a kebab snack bar in the city centre near Luisenplatz, which in addition to the

ca. 0,3 km entfernt

Ertan‘s Gemüse Kebap

geschlossen (öffnet 12:00 Uhr)

64283 Darmstadt, Luisenstr.4

Ertan‘s Gemüse Kebap is a kebab snack bar in the city centre near Luisenplatz, which in addition to the "Original Berlin Vegetable Doner" also offers Fallafel, Dürüm and other Turkish dishes.

Food Establishment

Unterkünfte in der Nähe

Weitere Tipps in der Nähe

The City Archive provides, among other services, files, books, newspapers and photographs to help answer questions on all aspects of the history of Darmstadt.

ca. 0,0 km entfernt

City Archive Darmstadt


64289 Darmstadt, Karolinenplatz 3

The City Archive provides, among other services, files, books, newspapers and photographs to help answer questions on all aspects of the history of Darmstadt.

At Otto‘s you will find funny balloons for kids.

ca. 0,1 km entfernt

Otto‘s ballons

Darmstadt, Standort: Karolinenplatz & Friedensplatz

At Otto‘s you will find funny balloons for kids.

Blick vom Friedensplatz auf das Hessische Landesmuseum. Großer, langgestreckter Bau mit Portal in der Mitte. Rechts am Gebäude ein Turm mit türkisfarbenem Kupferblechdach, gewölbt mit Spitze.

ca. 0,1 km entfernt

Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt

geschlossen (öffnet 11:00 Uhr)

64283 Darmstadt, Friedensplatz 1

The art and natural history collections of the landgraves and grand dukes form the basis of today‘s Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt.


Das könnte Dir auch gefallen

The City Archive provides, among other services, files, books, newspapers and photographs to help answer questions on all aspects of the history of Darmstadt.

City Archive Darmstadt


64289 Darmstadt, Karolinenplatz 3

The City Archive provides, among other services, files, books, newspapers and photographs to help answer questions on all aspects of the history of Darmstadt.