ProfessionalService | Store

Sigrid Bolz - Coaching, Psychotherapie & Beratung

64287 Darmstadt, Flotowstr.7

Life coaching and counseling helps to bring a new perspective and possible solutions to stuck personal problems - or to shape change requests into actionable steps. Psychotherapeutic help is possible for blockages such as deeper-lying fears or depressive moods.



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Essen in der Nähe

The beer garden Darmstadt is located on the Dieburger Straße directly at the Mathildenhöhe. Here you can find barbecue and snacks under old chestnut trees and romantic pavilions lit with lights.

ca. 0,7 km entfernt

Biergarten Darmstadt

geschlossen (öffnet 15:00 Uhr)

64289 Darmstadt, Dieburger Str.97

The beer garden Darmstadt is located on the Dieburger Straße directly at the Mathildenhöhe. Here you can find barbecue and snacks under old chestnut trees and romantic pavilions lit with lights.

Beer garden Food Establishment

The cozy restaurant Fohlenhof with large outdoor area with beer garden and great ambience is located in the countryside. It offers daily freshly prepared meals with weekly changing extras.

ca. 0,9 km entfernt


geschlossen (öffnet 18:00 Uhr)

64289 Darmstadt, Kranichsteiner Str.90

The cozy restaurant Fohlenhof with large outdoor area with beer garden and great ambience is located in the countryside. It offers daily freshly prepared meals with weekly changing extras.

Beer garden Food Establishment Restaurant

The Shiraz is a Persian-Oriental restaurant with an exclusive ambience at the foot of Mathildenhöhe in Darmstadt. All dishes can be also picked up or delivered.

ca. 0,9 km entfernt



64287 Darmstadt, Dieburger Str.73

The Shiraz is a Persian-Oriental restaurant with an exclusive ambience at the foot of Mathildenhöhe in Darmstadt. All dishes can be also picked up or delivered.

Food Establishment Restaurant

Enjoy a wonderful cup of coffee with home-baked cake. The old furniture gives the cafe an idyllic flair.

ca. 0,9 km entfernt

Babbel Café

geschlossen (öffnet 14:00 Uhr)

64287 Darmstadt, Lucasweg 1

Enjoy a wonderful cup of coffee with home-baked cake. The old furniture gives the cafe an idyllic flair.

Cafe Or Coffee Shop Food Establishment

The Rumpelstilzchen is located in a corner house on Dieburger Strasse near Mathildenhöhe offering a large selection of drinks and German and international dishes in a rustic atmosphere.

ca. 0,9 km entfernt



64289 Darmstadt, Dieburger Str.72

The Rumpelstilzchen is located in a corner house on Dieburger Strasse near Mathildenhöhe offering a large selection of drinks and German and international dishes in a rustic atmosphere.

Food Establishment Restaurant

Moroccan cuisine is a pleasure in itself. The tajinerie offers tajines, cous cous, antipasti, pastries, mint tea and many other delicacies.

ca. 1,0 km entfernt



64287 Darmstadt, Dieburger Str.70

Moroccan cuisine is a pleasure in itself. The tajinerie offers tajines, cous cous, antipasti, pastries, mint tea and many other delicacies.

Food Establishment Restaurant

The Hobbit is a rustic little dining bar with a smoking and non-smoking area and a foosball table. Pizzas, salads and drinks named after the Tolkien characters are served here.

ca. 1,0 km entfernt

Bar Hobbit

geschlossen (öffnet 18:00 Uhr)

64289 Darmstadt, Kranichsteiner Str. 42

The Hobbit is a rustic little dining bar with a smoking and non-smoking area and a foosball table. Pizzas, salads and drinks named after the Tolkien characters are served here.

Bar or Pub Food Establishment

Bar and restaurant with a large variety of different spirits. Also a changing menu.

ca. 1,1 km entfernt


geschlossen (öffnet 17:00 Uhr)

64289 Darmstadt, Lichtenbergstr.75

Bar and restaurant with a large variety of different spirits. Also a changing menu.

Bar or Pub Food Establishment Restaurant

The main idea behind the bistro‘s concept is to provide a meeting place for handicapped people, where thye can enjoy the time in a relaxed atmosphere of serenity and ease. As in every bistro, guests can drink coffee or enjoy lunch - and all at moderate prices.

ca. 1,1 km entfernt

Bistro D42

geschlossen (öffnet 13:30 Uhr)

64297 Darmstadt, Dieburger Str.42

The main idea behind the bistro‘s concept is to provide a meeting place for handicapped people, where thye can enjoy the time in a relaxed atmosphere of serenity and ease. As in every bistro, guests can drink coffee or enjoy lunch - and all at moderate prices.

Cafe Or Coffee Shop Food Establishment Restaurant

Small Italian restaurant at the foot of the Mathildenhöhe with pizza, pasta, Italian specialties and a seasonal menu.
Inside there are 60-70 seats and, in good weather, an additional 40 seats outside and covered.

ca. 1,2 km entfernt

Ristorante Riviera


64287 Darmstadt, Beckstr.2 (Ecke Erbacher Straße)

Small Italian restaurant at the foot of the Mathildenhöhe with pizza, pasta, Italian specialties and a seasonal menu. Inside there are 60-70 seats and, in good weather, an additional 40 seats outside and covered.

Food Establishment Restaurant

Unterkünfte in der Nähe

Weitere Tipps in der Nähe

Die obere Hälfte des Hochzeitsturms ist über Dächer und Baumwipfel vor einem blauen Himmel mit großen weißen Wolken sichtbar. Die Spitze des Turms hat die Form von fünf Fingern einer ausgestreckten Hand.

ca. 1,0 km entfernt

Wedding Tower


64287 Darmstadt, Olbrichweg 13

The tower with its distinctive spire, which looks like the five fingers of a hand, was a gift from the city of Darmstadt for the wedding of Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig to Princess Eleonore von Solms-Hohensolms-Lich in 1905.

Landmark Or Historical Building Monument

In addition to books, postcards and posters, the museum shop in the Oktogon also offers smaller and larger gifts and everyday items as well as high-quality jewellry.

ca. 1,0 km entfernt

Museums shop: Darmstadt Artists‘ Colony Museum


64287 Darmstadt, Olbrichweg 13a

In addition to books, postcards and posters, the museum shop in the Oktogon also offers smaller and larger gifts and everyday items as well as high-quality jewellry.


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Saving lives is so easy! For people who need fresh blood after an accident or illness, the life-sustaining agent can be donated voluntarily in the blood and plasma donation centre.

Blood and plasma donation centre

geschlossen (öffnet 09:00 Uhr)

64283 Darmstadt, Marktplatz 3

Saving lives is so easy! For people who need fresh blood after an accident or illness, the life-sustaining agent can be donated voluntarily in the blood and plasma donation centre.

ProfessionalService Store

Constate GmbH specialises in property management and rental management. As administrators, Constate take on all tasks from the general management of the property to the implementation of resolutions and rental of apartments. 
der-felger CITY-SHOP is a copy shop where dissertations, bachelor or master theses and much more can be printed out. Ordering also possible online.


geschlossen (öffnet 07:30 Uhr)

64201 Darmstadt, Röntgenstraße 30

der-felger CITY-SHOP is a copy shop where dissertations, bachelor or master theses and much more can be printed out. Ordering also possible online.

ProfessionalService Store

Mortgage lending is often the most important financial decision in life. HypoExpert can look back on over 25 years of successful experience.

HypoExpert GmbH & Co. KG


64291 Darmstadt, Dieter-Böhne-Weg 8

Mortgage lending is often the most important financial decision in life. HypoExpert can look back on over 25 years of successful experience.

ProfessionalService Store

The internet café at Stadtkriche offers internet access and an integrated copy shop.

Jonny‘s Internet Café

geschlossen (öffnet 10:00 Uhr)

64283 Darmstadt, An der Stadtkirche 20

The internet café at Stadtkriche offers internet access and an integrated copy shop.

ProfessionalService Store

The learning studio Ried has been the tutoring school in DA-Arheilgen for 13 years and is still owner-managed. The students who are about to take their exams are currently being given effective online tutoring.

LernStudio Ried


64291 Darmstadt, Frankfurter Landstr.167

The learning studio Ried has been the tutoring school in DA-Arheilgen for 13 years and is still owner-managed. The students who are about to take their exams are currently being given effective online tutoring.

ProfessionalService Store

Enter - lie down - enjoy the sun!
All sun lovers are at the right place here. The tanning salon megaSun is a professional for tanning all year round.



64283 Darmstadt, Wilhelminenstr.35

Enter - lie down - enjoy the sun! All sun lovers are at the right place here. The tanning salon megaSun is a professional for tanning all year round.

ProfessionalService Store

Panteha laundry cleaning has been offering competent, biodegradable and affordable textile care since 1999.

Panteha laundry cleaning


64283 Darmstadt, Grafenstr.33

Panteha laundry cleaning has been offering competent, biodegradable and affordable textile care since 1999.

ProfessionalService Store

Engel & Völkers is a leading global service provider in the brokerage of high-quality residential and commercial properties as well as yachts and aircraft in the premium segment. The employees are always available for advice on sales and rentals.