ArtGallery | Museum | Store

Künstler-Galerie "Künstler in Bewegung" im Carree

64283 Darmstadt, Darmstadt Carree- Basement/Untergeschoss

Die Künstlergemeinschaft ist ein Zusammenschluss von 14 Künstlern aus dem Grossraum Darmstadt. Über 3 Jahren haben die Künstler in einem Leerstand im Einkaufszentrum BOULEVARD erfolgreich eine Künstler-Galerie in Eigenregie betrieben. Nach Kündigung durch den Investor des Boulevard ist es den Künstlern unter Einschaltung von Darmstadt Citymarketing gelungen, kurzfristig einen Ersatz Standort im Carree zu finden Auf über 150 qm Galeriefläche werden seit 2.7.2021 mehr als 160 Exponate unterschiedlicher Stile und Techniken (Acryl, ÖL, Aquarelle, Tinten und Siebdrucke) und Skulpturen präsentiert



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Essen in der Nähe

The bar is the foyer of the Centralstation, where you can enjoy an aperitif before concerts start or during the break. The bar is the smallest venue of the Centralstation - for readings, slams or concerts, occasionally also dance bar. The range of drinks includes 10 selected gin varieties, whi...

ca. 0,0 km entfernt

Centralstation Bar


64283 Darmstadt, Centralstation im Carree

The bar is the foyer of the Centralstation, where you can enjoy an aperitif before concerts start or during the break. The bar is the smallest venue of the Centralstation - for readings, slams or concerts, occasionally also dance bar. The range of drinks includes 10 selected gin varieties, whi...

Bar or Pub Food Establishment

Butcher Hamm offers smal bites for in between: schnitzel, crust roasts and homemade salads.

ca. 0,0 km entfernt

Metzgerei Hamm


64283 Darmstadt, Schuchardstr.1

Butcher Hamm offers smal bites for in between: schnitzel, crust roasts and homemade salads.

Butchery Food Establishment

The bakery Bormuth offers daily fresh rolls, delicious types of bread and a wide selection of snacks and sweet specialties.

ca. 0,1 km entfernt

Bormuth - on Ernst-Ludwig-Street


64283 Darmstadt, Ernst-Ludwig-Str.17

The bakery Bormuth offers daily fresh rolls, delicious types of bread and a wide selection of snacks and sweet specialties.

bakery Restaurant Store

There are great treasures in this little shop. Fine spices from all over the world and teas as well as the appropriate accessories are offered here.

ca. 0,1 km entfernt

Kandelous Spices and Tea Shop


64283 Darmstadt, Ernst-Ludwig-Str.3

There are great treasures in this little shop. Fine spices from all over the world and teas as well as the appropriate accessories are offered here.

Food Establishment Store

ca. 0,1 km entfernt

Kaffee Bar Luisenstraße


64283 Darmstadt, Luisenstr.16

"Kaffee Bar" is a café in the heart of downtown Darmstadt. In addition to numerous coffee varieties, there is a wide selection of fresh pastries and other snacks.

Bar or Pub Cafe Or Coffee Shop Food Establishment

K & K is a café-restaurant in the City Carree. In addition to many sweet treats from the in-house patisserie, there is also a daily changing menu.

ca. 0,1 km entfernt

Grand Café K&K


64283 Darmstadt, Im Carree 1

K & K is a café-restaurant in the City Carree. In addition to many sweet treats from the in-house patisserie, there is also a daily changing menu.

Cafe Or Coffee Shop Food Establishment Restaurant

The second branch of the fruit and vegetable dealer is located in the City Carree. Seasonal and fresh foods are available here.

ca. 0,1 km entfernt

Obsthaus Rebell - im City Carree


City Carree 1-3

The second branch of the fruit and vegetable dealer is located in the City Carree. Seasonal and fresh foods are available here.

Food Establishment Store

The bakery Ditsch offers daily fresh rolls, delicious bread varieties and a large selection of snacks and sweet specialties.

ca. 0,1 km entfernt

Ditsch - at the Ludwigsplatz


64283 Darmstadt, Ludwigsplatz 2

The bakery Ditsch offers daily fresh rolls, delicious bread varieties and a large selection of snacks and sweet specialties.


Pizza Hut fast food chain offers a variety of different pizza dishes and regularly changing offers.

ca. 0,1 km entfernt

Pizza Hut - im Carree


64283 Darmstadt, Im Carree

Pizza Hut fast food chain offers a variety of different pizza dishes and regularly changing offers.


Food Establishment Restaurant

The fast food chain Kentucky Fried Chicken offers a variety of freshly prepared poultry dishes and regularly changing offers.

ca. 0,1 km entfernt

Kentucky Fried Chicken

jetzt geöffnet (bis 23:00 Uhr)

64283 Darmstadt, Luisenplatz 5a

The fast food chain Kentucky Fried Chicken offers a variety of freshly prepared poultry dishes and regularly changing offers.

Food Establishment Restaurant

The bakery Bormuth offers daily fresh rolls, delicious types of bread and a wide selection of snacks and sweet specialties.

ca. 0,1 km entfernt

Bormuth - Carree


64283 Darmstadt, Luisenplatz 5a

The bakery Bormuth offers daily fresh rolls, delicious types of bread and a wide selection of snacks and sweet specialties.

bakery Trade

Unterkünfte in der Nähe

Weitere Tipps in der Nähe

The fashion chain offers contemporary women‘s and men‘s fashion as well as the latest fashion trends.

ca. 0,0 km entfernt



64283 Darmstadt, Schuchardstr.5

The fashion chain offers contemporary women‘s and men‘s fashion as well as the latest fashion trends.

Accessoires store Clothing store Store

The Thierbach Optik range offers a wide variety of modern eyeglass frames and top brands. This also includes services such as eye measurements and screenings for the correct glasses.

ca. 0,0 km entfernt

Thierbach optics


64283 Darmstadt, Schuchardstr.3

The Thierbach Optik range offers a wide variety of modern eyeglass frames and top brands. This also includes services such as eye measurements and screenings for the correct glasses.

Optician Store

Men‘s salon Cherry is a modern hairdresser especially for men. Men can be pampered here without an appointment and at fair prices. In addition to the stylish haircut, other cosmetic services are offered.

ca. 0,0 km entfernt

Men‘s salon Cherry


64283 Darmstadt, Schuchardstr.6

Men‘s salon Cherry is a modern hairdresser especially for men. Men can be pampered here without an appointment and at fair prices. In addition to the stylish haircut, other cosmetic services are offered.

HairSalon Nail salon Store

Modern, feminine, casual - that‘s what the comma fashion brand stands for. The business outfits are combined with modern looks and feminine accessories. Each style can be interpreted individually

ca. 0,0 km entfernt



64283 Darmstadt, Schuchardstr.9

Modern, feminine, casual - that‘s what the comma fashion brand stands for. The business outfits are combined with modern looks and feminine accessories. Each style can be interpreted individually

Clothing store Store

Hunkemöller is a leading retailer of women‘s clothing with over 940 stores in 21 countries. The product range extends from underwear to nightwear to swimwear. The collections are design-oriented and fashion-conscious

ca. 0,0 km entfernt

Hunkemöller Lingerie


64283 Darmstadt, Schuchardstr.9

Hunkemöller is a leading retailer of women‘s clothing with over 940 stores in 21 countries. The product range extends from underwear to nightwear to swimwear. The collections are design-oriented and fashion-conscious

Clothing store Store

Variety close by: fashion, housewares, decoration and other unbeatable offers in the Woolworth department store in Darmstadt.

ca. 0,0 km entfernt



64283 Darmstadt, Schuchardstr.10

Variety close by: fashion, housewares, decoration and other unbeatable offers in the Woolworth department store in Darmstadt.

Accessoires store Clothing store Furniture store Store

Pandora is a jewelry company based in Denmark. It was founded in 1982. Pandora sells, designs, manufactures and markets jewelry made from high-quality materials.

ca. 0,0 km entfernt



64283 Darmstadt, Schuchardstr.1

Pandora is a jewelry company based in Denmark. It was founded in 1982. Pandora sells, designs, manufactures and markets jewelry made from high-quality materials.

Accessoires store Store

Bärentreff fruit gum shops have existed in Germany since 1996. The fruity-sweet gummy bears in many different colors and shapes sweeten every day.

ca. 0,0 km entfernt



64283 Darmstadt, Schuchardstr.11

Bärentreff fruit gum shops have existed in Germany since 1996. The fruity-sweet gummy bears in many different colors and shapes sweeten every day.


For more than 25 years, the jewellery store

ca. 0,0 km entfernt

Flix Flax Jewellery


64283 Darmstadt, Schuchardstr.11

For more than 25 years, the jewellery store "Flix Flax" is offering a variety of jewellery equipment. There is also a wide variety of piercings.

Accessoires store Store

Find jewellery and watches in the shop in the online shop at

ca. 0,0 km entfernt

CHRIST jewellers


64283 Darmstadt, Schuchardstr.11-13

Find jewellery and watches in the shop in the online shop at

Accessoires store Store

The perfumery Douglas offers a large selection of perfume, make-up and skin care.

ca. 0,0 km entfernt

Douglas perfumery


64283 Darmstadt, Schuchardstr.11

The perfumery Douglas offers a large selection of perfume, make-up and skin care.

HealthAndBeautyBusiness Store

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Bärentreff fruit gum shops have existed in Germany since 1996. The fruity-sweet gummy bears in many different colors and shapes sweeten every day.



64283 Darmstadt, Schuchardstr.11

Bärentreff fruit gum shops have existed in Germany since 1996. The fruity-sweet gummy bears in many different colors and shapes sweeten every day.


BUTLERS offers many trends and inspirations for living and decoration as well as gift ideas.



64283 Darmstadt, Elisabethenstr.14

BUTLERS offers many trends and inspirations for living and decoration as well as gift ideas.


Specialist shop for open vinegars and oils, high-quality brandies and liqueurs, whiskey, delicatessen, wine and much more. Special feature: sale of

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Favorable green electricity, climate-neutral natural gas and energy consulting - the ENTEGA Point in the city center offers information and service all around the topic of energy.



64283 Darmstadt, Ludwigsplatz 9

Favorable green electricity, climate-neutral natural gas and energy consulting - the ENTEGA Point in the city center offers information and service all around the topic of energy.


The fotogena picture service offers pictures for the photo album, posters or fine art prints for the wall (also from home with the Smart Picture Creation app) and is also still reachable online at, by phone or by email.