Multimediakonzept Handel & Tourismus

Ob Informationen, Bilder oder kleine Filmbeiträge - das „Multimediakonzept“ soll als eigener Kanal interessante und wichtige Informationen mit Darmstadt Bezug im öffentlichen Raum weitergeben. Nach einer kurzen Testphase im Darmstadt Shop strahlen die Multimediascreens auch im Bürgerinformationszentrum am Luisenplatz und dem Justus Liebig-Haus aus. In weiteren Stufen sollen möglichst alle Besucherbereiche der Stadthäuser angeschlossen und Unternehmen aus der Stadtwirtschaft beteiligt werden. Die Partner können in definierten Bereichen eigene Informationen und Veranstaltungen einspeisen. Was bringt es: • Vernetzung von Informationsquellen • Bessere Darstellung von Informationen im Darmstadt Shop und über das stadtweite Netz an Displays und weiteren frequentierten Orten in Darmstadt • innovative und nutzerfreundliche Bereitstellung Wem nützt es: • Bürgerinnen und Bürger • Besucherinnen und Besucher • Kooperationspartnerinnen und -partner Wo kann ich es erleben: Das Projekt kann nach dem Umbau des Darmstadt Shops im Herbst 2019 dort erlebt werden. Sobald die weiteren Ausbaustufen erfolgt sind auch im Bürgerinformationszentrum am Luisenplatz und dem Justus-Liebig-Hau, sowie an weiteren ausgewählten Orten in Darmstadt.


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Essen in der Nähe

The bakery Bormuth offers daily fresh rolls, delicious types of bread and a wide selection of snacks and sweet specialties.

ca. 0,0 km entfernt

Bormuth - Carree


64283 Darmstadt, Luisenplatz 5a

The bakery Bormuth offers daily fresh rolls, delicious types of bread and a wide selection of snacks and sweet specialties.

bakery Trade

The fast food chain Kentucky Fried Chicken offers a variety of freshly prepared poultry dishes and regularly changing offers.

ca. 0,0 km entfernt

Kentucky Fried Chicken

jetzt geöffnet (bis 23:00 Uhr)

64283 Darmstadt, Luisenplatz 5a

The fast food chain Kentucky Fried Chicken offers a variety of freshly prepared poultry dishes and regularly changing offers.

Food Establishment Restaurant

Pizza Hut fast food chain offers a variety of different pizza dishes and regularly changing offers.

ca. 0,0 km entfernt

Pizza Hut - im Carree


64283 Darmstadt, Im Carree

Pizza Hut fast food chain offers a variety of different pizza dishes and regularly changing offers.


Food Establishment Restaurant

Da Carlo is a small ice cream parlor offering homemade ice cream with fresh ingredients.

ca. 0,0 km entfernt

Eisboutique Da Carlo - at the Luisenplatz


64283 Darmstadt, Luisenplatz 5a

Da Carlo is a small ice cream parlor offering homemade ice cream with fresh ingredients.

Ice Cream Shop

The second branch of the fruit and vegetable dealer is located in the City Carree. Seasonal and fresh foods are available here.

ca. 0,0 km entfernt

Obsthaus Rebell - im City Carree


City Carree 1-3

The second branch of the fruit and vegetable dealer is located in the City Carree. Seasonal and fresh foods are available here.

Food Establishment Store

Cafe #point is located on the first floor of the Luisencenter, directly under the escalator.

ca. 0,0 km entfernt

Café #point at Luisencenter


64283 Darmstadt, Luisenplatz 5

Cafe #point is located on the first floor of the Luisencenter, directly under the escalator.

Cafe Or Coffee Shop Food Establishment

K & K is a café-restaurant in the City Carree. In addition to many sweet treats from the in-house patisserie, there is also a daily changing menu.

ca. 0,1 km entfernt

Grand Café K&K


64283 Darmstadt, Im Carree 1

K & K is a café-restaurant in the City Carree. In addition to many sweet treats from the in-house patisserie, there is also a daily changing menu.

Cafe Or Coffee Shop Food Establishment Restaurant

The bar is the foyer of the Centralstation, where you can enjoy an aperitif before concerts start or during the break. The bar is the smallest venue of the Centralstation - for readings, slams or concerts, occasionally also dance bar. The range of drinks includes 10 selected gin varieties, whi...

ca. 0,1 km entfernt

Centralstation Bar


64283 Darmstadt, Centralstation im Carree

The bar is the foyer of the Centralstation, where you can enjoy an aperitif before concerts start or during the break. The bar is the smallest venue of the Centralstation - for readings, slams or concerts, occasionally also dance bar. The range of drinks includes 10 selected gin varieties, whi...

Bar or Pub Food Establishment

There are great treasures in this little shop. Fine spices from all over the world and teas as well as the appropriate accessories are offered here.

ca. 0,1 km entfernt

Kandelous Spices and Tea Shop


64283 Darmstadt, Ernst-Ludwig-Str.3

There are great treasures in this little shop. Fine spices from all over the world and teas as well as the appropriate accessories are offered here.

Food Establishment Store

The Mollo Caffè offers everything for espresso and coffee lovers.

ca. 0,1 km entfernt

Mollo Caffè


64283 Darmstadt, Rheinstr.1

The Mollo Caffè offers everything for espresso and coffee lovers.

Cafe Or Coffee Shop Food Establishment Store

Unterkünfte in der Nähe

Weitere Tipps in der Nähe

Access to the new town hall and city offices. Contact point for all questions about city offices as well as information point for city events, certifications and volunteering.

ca. 0,0 km entfernt

Citizen information office


64283 Darmstadt, Luisenplatz 5a

Access to the new town hall and city offices. Contact point for all questions about city offices as well as information point for city events, certifications and volunteering.


Für alle Fragen rund um Darmstadt ist die Touristinformation

ca. 0,0 km entfernt

Darmstadt Shop – tourist information office


64283 Darmstadt, Luisenplatz 5

Für alle Fragen rund um Darmstadt ist die Touristinformation "Darmstadt Shop" am Luisenplatz die erste Anlaufstelle. 

ProfessionalService Store Tourist Information Center

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